copper pyrite

英 [ˈkɒpə(r) ˈpaɪraɪt] 美 [ˈkɑːpər ˈpaɪraɪt]




  1. The metal minerals of Inner Mongolia Copper and Molybdenum ore mainly exist in pyrite, next in chalcopyrite and molybdenite.
  2. The Dongxiang copper deposit is a rare deposit combined with copper, pyrite and tungsten.
  3. Metal minerals in Wadizhou copper deposit appear to be zoning of chalcosine bornite chalcopyrite pyrite on the vertical direction.
  4. Single Standard Flow Injection Analysis& Determination of Copper, Lead, Zinc in Arsenical Pyrite by Gradient Calibration-Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  5. Copper Sulfides Preferential Flotation from Pyrite Ore with Mac-10 Collector
  6. The flotation tests of copper sulfide ores have shown that the induced flotation and separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite could be achieved.
  7. Biooxidation and mass transfer of copper-bearing pyrite
  8. To compare with the subterranean brine and porphyry copper brine, the mineralization elements, such as Cu, were relatively richer than other elements in the fluid inclusions in the pyrite and quartz, which meant that the metallogenic fluids were rich in mineralization elements.
  9. Test study on mineral processing of copper-bearing pyrite
  10. In this paper, the sulphuric acid production with mixed off gas from copper and lead smelters in Boliden Metallurgical Co. and the sulphuric acid plant using 0.2% As bearing pyrite in Boliden Chemical Co.
  11. New technology to extract gold from copper-bearing gold ores Test study on mineral processing of copper-bearing pyrite
  12. Study on comprehensive recovery of associated copper and zinc from pyrite
  13. Improvement on quality of low copper concentrate& on separation of chalcopyrite from arsenopyrite and pyrite
  14. According to the result of Dexing Copper mine flowsheets examination, it was ascertained that what has mainly influence on the grade of chalcopyrite concentrate was pyrite, and then gangue.
  15. The difference of impurity elements results in the difference in crystal texture and center of pyrite, which mainly belongs to electron center type for pyrite in copper deposit and to vacancy center type for pyrite in gold deposit.
  16. The pyrite is the main mineral competing for oxygen in leaching copper ore, and oxygen consumption increases sharply with pyrite increasing.
  17. The high sulfur ore, sulfur in pyrrhotite and pyrite form, with the easily oxidized and buoyant nature of changing the characteristics of the copper minerals and pyrite separation is still a problem in the field of mineral processing.
  18. In the flotation practice of complex sulphide ores, separation of copper, lead, sphalerite and pyrite still is the difficulty of this type ores, the process of nontoxic has become the research hotpot in resent years.
  19. Sphalerite activated by Cu2+ have high flotability is hard be depressed. So sphalerite allways be missed in lead concentrate, copper concentrate and pyrite concentrate when separating multi-metal sulphide ores that contains zinc.
  20. The chlorination reaction rates of copper, lead and zinc are very fast, which support the removal of copper, lead and zinc inside pyrite cinder well at the chain grate in preheating.
  21. Copper sulfate can improve the floatability of pyrite, getting a higher sulfur recover rate in asynchronous flotation.